
A Day in the Life of a Wanderer: Part 2


Continuing on from yesterday’s story here is Part 2 from ‘A Day in the Life of a Wanderer’.

Continuing on from yesterday’s story here is Part 2 from ‘A Day in the Life of a Wanderer’.

Here is a selection of players that comprise the Wanderers W-League squad:

Trudy Camilleri

Western Sydney Wanderers midfield dynamo Trudy Camilleri terrorises defenders with her non-compromising style of football. By day, the self-confessed former tomboy repairs damage vehicles for a living as a panel beater in her father-s business.

Camilleri, who played as a junior for the Ingleburn Eagles boy-s team says she has always aspired to play football at a professional level, with the ultimate aim of representing her country. The dynamic midfielder says that it often difficult to find the balance between full time work and football, and at times she has questioned her capacity to excel in both areas.

“I would love to play football as a full time professional – I would give anything to play the game but the reality is different,” she said. “A few times giving up football has crossed my mind because I need to be injury free for my line of work – but football is my passion and something I love doing.”

Camilleri says that she hopes to play her part in helping the Wanderers secure a coveted top four position in its debut in the W-League competition, but is hopeful that team can reach the grand final.

“I want to make the semi-finals, but of course, I hope that the Wanderers win the whole competition,” she says. “I want to be in that photo with the trophy – all the hard work, early mornings and late nights would all be worth it.”

Catherine Cannuli

Just ask any defender who has faced the unpredictability and wizardry of Catherine Cannuli how difficult it is to defend the skilful striker; the deft flicks and long range shots have become her trademark and a formidable force to be reckoned with.

By day, Cannuli owns and managers ‘Oasis Tanning and Beauty- at Liverpool, and accredits her achievements in football to the flexibility and support that comes with owning her own business.
The irony of a footballer owning a tanning and beauty salon is not lost on the skilful striker, who consistently shifts between the gentle environs of a beauty Salon, to the gladiatorial tussle on the football pitch.

“It does sound a bit odd a footballer owning a tanning salon,” says Cannuli. “But I require that flexibility in order to train and achieve my goals in football; I am sure some clients think I am bludging because I have to leave work so frequently,” she laughs.

Cannuli says that NSW women-s football was still in its primitive stages of when she first started playing, and the first serious competition she competed in was playing first grade for the Marconi Stallions in her very early teens.

In recent years, Cannuli has had a dominant presence in the NSW premier league, but the Matilda says that this has not always been the case; the former Sydney FC striker decided to take a four year break from football in 2004 after representing Australia as a Young Matilda.

“I think I was worn out and did not really know what I wanted – I never thought I would play again,” says Cannuli. “But after travelling to Europe, my passion for football was reignited. When I finally achieved my first cap for Australia I was so grateful.”

Cannuli says that she hopes to play her part for the Wanderers in consistently playing a high-quality and convincing style of football.

“My main goal with the Wanderers is to prove that people from the outskirts of Sydney play a very competitive style of football,” she says. “Many of our players are drawn from the NSW premier league and we want to show the people of Western Sydney that we can compete with the best.”

Olivia Kennedy

The Western Sydney Wanderer-s commanding defender, Olivia Kennedy, is a full-time University student completing a Bachelor of Physiotherapy. Kennedy also works as a part-time greenkeeper; ensuring that the field that her Sydney University club side plays on each week is maintained in pristine condition.

Kennedy says that she has found it difficult at times to effectively balance her demanding course load and part-time job with her football commitments, but is adamant that the privilege of wearing the Wanderers Jersey is well-worth the sacrifice.

“In the past I have struggled to balance all my commitments, especially during the exam periods; although my life often just consisted of training and study, I feel that it is important to keep your body healthy as well as your mind,” says Kennedy.

Kennedy started playing football at the age of eight, was selected in the elite NSW Institute of Sport program in the early stages of her football career and represented Australian in the Under-20 World Cup.
But after the tournament, Kennedy says that she took a hiatus from football to concentrate on full-time work, elucidating the struggles that female professional athletes often face in the absence of obtaining a steady income through their chosen sport.

“I was struggling to hold a full-time and train and not work towards a goal; I wanted to go to University but just could not conceive playing football at an elite level and studying at the same time.”

It was only after her 18-month break from the sport that Kennedy-s passion for football was reignited, and she now manages to maintain a full course load, work and train most days with the Wanderers squad.

“My goal now is to enjoy playing football,” she said. “To be honest, I never thought I would return to this level, but after a couple of good seasons with the NSW Premier league I have really started to enjoy myself.”

Jessica Seaman

Former Young Matilda, Jessica Seaman, who is infamously known for her immaculate physical presentation on the football pitch, is a Customer Service Representative for the Commonwealth Bank at Castle Towers.

A former Sydney FC defender, Seaman says she was uncertain of her future in football after securing a full-time job once she had finished school. However, the establishment of the Western Sydney Wanderers club reinvigorated her passion for the sport, as it has for many young players who have forfeited their footballing aspirations because of limited opportunities elsewhere.

“At first I found training and working full-time a bit tiring, but then gradually got used to early starts and late nights,” she said. “My aim now is to make the squad consistently each week, play my best and hopefully reach the semi-finals.”

Alisha Bass

17-year-old Alisha Bass, who has captained the under 17-s National Women-s team, recently completed her HSC. Unlike her high school peers, the quiet achiever chose not to attend the annual ritualistic Schoolies celebrations, opting instead to devote her time to the Wanderers.

“It is at times very difficult to juggle football with assessments, late nights and having to consistently miss out on social events to balance the three,” she says.

“I really wanted to go to schoolies but it was definitely worth the sacrifice – football itself provides many opportunities to travel with your friends and teammates.”

Bass, or ‘Bassy- to her mates, developed her passion for the game from her parents, Craig and Margaret, who both played football at a serious level.

As part of her training with the NSWIS football program, Bass was required on certain days to rise at 5am to train with the squad, and then attend classes at Marist Sisters College Woolwich. The young midfielder says she hopes to study a degree in Business, with the prospect of securing a scholarship at an American University.

“My goal is to improve, develop new friendships through my chosen sport and continue with the club in the future,” she says. “As a team this year – the goal is to make the top four.”