Cox: We’re not a club that likes to stand still

Simon Cox

Forward Simon Cox on what we can expect this season from the team and new signing Graham Dorrans. 

Forward Simon Cox on what we can expect this season from the team and new signing Graham Dorrans. 

Having only been out of hotel quarantine since Monday morning, Cox is liking what he’s seen so far from head coach Carl Robinson. 

“I spoke with Carl when I was back in the UK and the conversation went really well. I liked what he said and the first few days of being back here, we’ve had a decent relationship so far,” said Cox.

“I think he just likes to see me running around the pitch more than anything. 

“Once I get into the football side of things, I’m sure I’ll learn a lot more about the way he wants us to play.”


Robinson will be looking to instill his philosophy of playing an attractive style of football over the next few weeks of pre-season at the Wanderers, something that Cox is looking forward to learning and implementing. 

“Obviously, we will be very fit and it’ll be high intensity which is good because the higher up the pitch you are, you win the the ball back and it gives your strikers more opportunities to score goals,” explained Cox. 

“So that’ll be interesting and good for myself, and the strikers here. 

“We’re a football club that are hoping to make big strides this year. We’re not a club that likes to stand still. I’m looking forward to it.”

Cox & Dorrans

Earlier this week, the Wanderers announced the signing of Scottish midfielder Graham Dorrans.

Dorrans and Cox previously played together at West Brom with Cox eager to see his teammate show off his skills on the Australian stage. 

“I’ve played with Dozza (Graham Dorrans) at West Brom and if we get the player that he was at West Brom, then we’ve got one hell of a player on our hands here,” said Cox.

“Someone very creative, a box-to-box midfielder, someone who can score goals which we need from the midfield as well. 

“So once he gets in and gets settled, acclimatising then we can showcase his abilities. We will be a better team with him in it 100%”

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