
D’Apuzzo and Cole Sign For Next Season


NRMA Insurance Western Sydney Wanderers players Adam D’Apuzzo and Shannon Cole signed with the club for the 2013/14, it was announced today.

NRMA Insurance Western Sydney Wanderers players Adam D-Apuzzo and Shannon Cole signed with the club for the 2013/14, it was announced today.

D-Apuzzo, 26, and Cole, 28, both said they were thrilled to continue their involvement with the Wanderers because they believed they were part of something big.

“I am over the moon to be part of the Wanderers for another year so I can continue to be part of something that is very special,” D-Apuzzo said.

“There is fantastic morale among the team, and to be part of a group of players that are such good personalities and humble at the same time is amazing.

“Everything is heading in the right direction and I am learning a lot from a very experienced coaching staff.

“To see the support we are getting from what feels like the entire west of Sydney has been an amazing experience so far and I just want to be a part of it.”

Cole said all of the players were excited with the direction the club was heading in.

“By that I don-t just mean the team and the performance, I mean the fan base, and I would really like to thank our fans for the past couple of games because it has really been special,” Cole said.

“Every footballer would dream of playing in front of a crowd like that and I think the Club is heading in a unique direction and everyone in the area is really going to want to be part of it.

“I am fit and I am playing well, and I am getting married this year and my fiancé is settled here, so it is a great thing for us and I am so happy to be here.

“I think you would struggle to find anything like our fans around the world.

“Even in the top leagues I don-t think the crowds would be as good as ours.”

Coach Tony Popovic said that the Club offered D-Apuzzo an opportunity after he had a break from the Hyundai A-League and was reassessing his career.

“Adam took that opportunity with both hands and he has been a very good player for our club,” Popovic said.

“We are very pleased he has signed with us again and we feel there will be even better things to come from him.”

Popovic said Cole was an excellent clubman and was a very good fit for the squad, and the culture at the Wanderers.

“Shannon is a very versatile player and whenever he is called upon to do a job for us he does it very well,” Popovic said.

“We are pleased he will be with us next season and he is a very good fit for our Club.”

Executive Chairman Lyall Gorman said he was very pleased the club had retained both players.

“Adam has come back and reignited his career and his passion for the game through our club in impressive style,” Gorman said.

“He has been a significant part of a defence this season that has set exceptional standards and we are very impressed with his professionalism and commitment to the Club.

“Shannon has shown his value on the pitch by his versatility, all round ability and his professionalism.

“He proudly leads the team victory song, promotes comradery and pride and represents the Club with honour.”

D-Apuzzo, who is recovering from a calf injury, started his senior football at Sydney Olympic and played 102 games for the Newcastle Jets.

Before joining the Wanderers he was playing State Premier League and was considering giving professional football away for a career in and leading accountancy firm.

Cole started his senior career at Apia Leichhardt, played in New Zealand and Israel before making 95 appearances for Sydney FC.

Their decisions to commit to the Wanderers follow the recent re-signings of midfielder Mateo Poljak, goalkeeper Ante Covic and captain Michael Beauchamp.

Cole, who shut down Melbourne Victory-s winger Marco Rojas on Tuesday playing at left fullback, said if anyone had told him at the start of the season things would be going this well he would not have believed them.

“The playing group is really enjoying being the new boys and they all get on very well and there is a strong friendship within the group,” Cole said.

On the victory song, he said: “Meggsy ( Beauchamp) asked me to put that together and I said ‘I would try- and it came together in a few minutes and it is a real bit of fun and the boys love it.”

The Wanderers- next home game will be against Central Coast Mariners on Sunday, January 6 at Parramatta Stadium at 6pm.

Kids will be allowed in for free and there will be a “Wander and Kick” opportunity held on the pitch after full time.