Future Wander Women Program 2024 trial dates confirmed

Western Sydney Wanderers FC have today confirmed the trial dates for their upcoming Future Wander Women Program.

Launched in 2021, the Future Wander Women Program (FWWP) is an opportunity to be discovered, mentored and developed as the next superstar in Western Sydney.

Expanding to 100 participants (including 10 goalkeepers) and up to U18s players, the FREE program builds on the skills that players already possess while teaching them new skills and techniques to improve their game based on the club’s highly regarded coaching curriculum.

You can register for the trial here.

The program runs as a 20-week block across Terms 2 and 3 of the school calendar year on Wednesday nights and is supported by the Wanderers Foundation and contributors Carer Gateway – Wellways, Cook’s Plumbing Suppliers, Scendar, Vaccaro Group, Business NSW, Business Western Sydney, Intermain and Western Sydney University.

Director of Carer Gateway Services Rachael Lovelock said she was proud to empower young women.

“Wellways Carer Gateway is delighted to be partnering with the Western Sydney Wanderers and their Future Wander Women Program. Participating in sport and being part of a club can have a hugely positive impact on young people, and for young carers who might have big responsibilities at home caring for a sibling or family member, it provides an opportunity to connect with others and take a break from their caring role,” said Lovelock.

“We know that 70% of carers are also women, so empowering young women at an early age can help equip them with lifelong skills for whatever their future brings.”

Group Financial Controller Cook’s Plumbing Andrew Reynods spoke about the program’s ability to improve players both on and off the pitch.

“To support the Future Wander Women Program is a privilege. It is an incredible opportunity for young footballers to participate in and we hope that they use it to develop into not just better players but better people as well. Sport is a great vehicle for personal improvement and providing access to a quality program enabling that is something we value. To see how the Wanderers Foundation is elevating the community through football is a cause that we had to support. We’re proud of everyone involved and excited to be back again for another year.”  

Managing Director of Scendar Gareth Bryant said he was thrilled to be supporting the program again.

“We are once again thrilled to be supporting female football in Western Sydney through the Future Wander Women Program. We firmly believe in giving every person the opportunity to reach their potential through access to elite programs. Through the FWWP we’ve already seen some A-League Women debuts, and can’t wait to see what the next batch of players can achieve with the backing of Scendar and the Wanderers Foundation.”

Founder and Managing Director of Vaccaro Group Sam Vaccaro said he was proud to help the young women of Western Sydney achieve their sporting dreams.

“At Vaccaro Group we are passionate about Western Sydney and female football. The Future Wander Women Program is a great opportunity to bring football development to the young women of Western Sydney, to help them achieve their sporting dreams. Vaccaro Group is proud to be a sponsor of the program and we look forward to being a part of the growth of female football in our region.”

Executive Director of Business Western Sydney David Borger spoke highly of the program’s contribution to sports tourism and local business engagement.

“By supporting a program that nurtures local female athletes, we are contributing to the development of sports professionals who can inspire and attract more people to the region. This not only elevates the profile of Western Sydney but also stimulates economic growth through sports tourism and local business engagement.”