Thousands turn Sydney Red & Black


Thousands of fans painted Sydney Red & Black last night as they descended upon the International Airport to welcome home the Asian Champions, proving once again that the Wanderers own this City.

Fresh from our victory in the Champions League Final, the team was greeted with an atmosphere that could only be compared to Wanderland as a deafening roar rung around East Sydney when the players emerged.
Fans began turning up hours before the team’s scheduled touch-down at 10:30pm with the crowd and noise levels growing with every passing minute.
New Australian arrivals on earlier flights were given the introduction of a lifetime; their faces turning to amazement as the building crowd greeted each passenger as a celebrity.
There was even a special entourage of Al-Nassr fans wearing Wanderers jerseys whilst flying the yellow flag of their hometown club – showing who their loyalty lay with during the Final.
As the terminal filled to capacity fans stood on bins, chairs and on top of the sliding doors quite literally hanging off the ceiling to catch a glimpse of the Asian Champions.
The spectacle had to be seen to be believed.
And it was soon to get even louder when the players, led by Nikolai Topor-Stanley holding the trophy aloft, burst into the room.
Led by La Banda and the capos, noise levels hit a level never heard before this side of Sydney. Emotion-fuelled celebrations took over as players and fans united as one; singing, dancing and embracing.
The night will be remembered for years to come with images of the terminal filled with Red & Black etched into the hearts and minds of fans and the Kings of Asia.
The Western Sydney Wanderers are the Asian Champions for 2014.
We told you this is history.