Here’s all the information you need to know about gaining free entry to the 2017 Sydney Royal Easter Show.
All Wanderers members have free entry to the Sydney Royal Easter Show on Friday 7 April and Saturday 8 April 2017.
Members will only be able to access the show on the above dates by scanning their Membership card upon entry.
Please note that your Member bardcode is only valid for one entry on only one of the above dates. You will not have access to both dates.
Members who have purchased a season parking pass will only be able to use it on Saturday 8 April. Similarly, free rail travel is only included on this date and Members will need to use their Membership card for access.
If for some reason a Member has lost or misplaced their card and we are unable to re-issue in time, they are required to contact the Club and be issued with an appropriate Wanderers Member e-ticket for the day of the show. If you don’t have a Members card or e-ticket from the club you will not receive access on the day.
All Members will also have exclusive access to the Members Stand area when holding a valid Wanderers Members card on the day. E-tickets issued by the club will not gain you access to the Members Stand.
If you have any questions email